Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pasta and the Crew Race


Why pasta the night before a crew race?

The adequate consumption of carbohydrates is necessary for the preservation of protein for muscle tissue repair and maintenance. It is essential that the athlete consume carbohydrates before, during, and after exercise to sustain sufficient muscle glycogen levels.

Muscle glycogen stores are most diminished during endurance exercise (like rowing). Therefore, the ingestion of carbohydrates within 24 hours before and after strenuous activity is crucial for the replenishment of muscle glycogen.

The type of carbohydrate ingested is a key variable in the earliest replenishment following an extended bout of exercise. The pre-exercise carbohydrate should have a moderate glycemic index like pastas and whole grains. The post-exercise carbohydrate should have a high glycemic index like corn flakes, honey, white bread, rice, carrots, and bananas.

Nancy Clark of Sports Medicine Systems Inc. suggests that with morning events the athlete should eat a hearty, high carbohydrate dinner and a bedtime snack the night before. In the morning eat a light meal of toast and /or cereal to stabilize blood sugar levels, absorb some of the gastric juices and to keep from feeling hungry. For afternoon competitions the athlete should consume a hearty breakfast and a light carbohydrate-based lunch.

- LaGary, Carter (Valdosta State University), Nutrition and Recovery.
- Kuster, Shawn, "Preparing for a National Competition," Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan.

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